Monday, July 23, 2012

If Only Words Were Enough...

Needless to say, the last two weeks have been the most memorable and life changing weeks of my life. I not only went on one of the most beautiful vacations ever...but I am also ENGAGED! I am overjoyed, excited, and extremely happy. I am lucky, in love, and filled with happiness--beyond what the movies show us. But I can't go without sharing the happiness in my life with others, as sharing this joy and happiness is a gift and in a world where happy days are shadowed with fear, sorrow, and unfair circumstances, when we get days like these, where you find yourself smiling for no reason whatsoever, you feel obliged to share it with the world.

Ironically, I am in a giant real-life reverie...come along for the journey...

I am engaged to one of the most amazing person I know and he truly swept me off my feet when he proposed: It was Friday, July 13, 2012 (yes, Friday the 13th--my superstitious friends understand why this is so nerve wreaking), when Sohum proposed to me in Athens, GA! We went to Athens to move out the last of my stuff to bring back home and he insisted that we go out on a date on our last night there. He told me I had to dress up because it is something I don't do anymore. We packed up the kitchen in boxes and got ready for this date. I must admit, I was not in the mood to do anything, it was supposed to rain and the cloud was literally right over us, but somehow he managed to get me out of the apartment, ready to go. We got to North Campus, the most beautiful part of UGA and started to walk around to this beautiful fountain. As we get to a fountain, there is a bag of Godiva chocolate. We all know that the Dullabh clan is a sucker for chocolate or anything sweet for that matter. I was already happy. Sohum tells me to open the bag and the box and as I do, I realize something crazy....there are TWO truffles missing from the box! I immediately thought in my head that this boy totally gipped me two truffles, haha. But then in the one compartment where the two truffles were supposed to be, was a blue bag. I reached for the bag and Sohum took it out of my hands to help me open it. As he does and gets the ring out, he asks if I will marry him. Of course, I said yes, how can anyone deny a man who gives me chocolate?? haha. It was truly an amazing moment, one I will never forget. We then went around campus taking pictures, as he hired a photographer. By the end of our session, our friends joined us and that was the biggest surprise of all. I never expected everyone to be there, but it was so nice sharing that moment with some of our closest friends. I wouldn't have had it any other day...I mean there was a tiramisu cake as well--an amazing man, good friends, chocolate, AND cake? That is simply a combination made in heaven. 

Moving is no fun, but coming home has been a gift. It is nice being around family and having them around everyday. This upcoming year will be quite exciting and crazy! 

This past weekend, I was able to spend it in Maine. It seems like an odd place to go for a vacation, but I have to say, if there is one place on your American bucket list--Maine should definitely be there. I am not much of a nature person, but I have a new found respect and love for what God can give us. Acadia National Park and Bar Harbor are two amazingly beautiful places. Imagine being surrounded by water, mountains, trees, a wonderful breeze, and so much more. It was perfect...peaceful, relaxing. Words cannot do it justice, so I'll share pictures instead. But even then, I think you can only capture a fraction of the actual beauty.


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